General Information
VR Stab Weapon is a stab weapon class which is fundamental and from it can be any stab weapon type inherited. This actor is using VR Grab Component(See VR Grab Component) The class uses Physics Constraint Component to achieve physics interactions.

StabPhysicsConstraint - This is a Physics Constraint Component which is used for physics interaction.
StabBox - This is a Box Component which has overlaps for checking stabbing.
Stab Start Position - This is a Scene Component which indicates the tip of the stab weapon.
Stab Limit Position - This is a Scene Component which indicates the end of the sharp part of the stab weapon.
Damage steps - This is a integer variable which devides the final damega on steps. The deep stab goes, the more damage will apply.
Max Damage - This is a float variable of maximum weapon damage.
Stab Tag - This is a sting variable. Actors with this tag can be stabbed.
Friction - This is a float variable of friction.
Check Stab Impulse - This is a bool variable. If true actor will check the impulse each time he stabs.
Impact Force - This is a float variable of weapon impact force.
Do On Stabing - This is an event wich can be defined. The event is playing after each successful stab . It has the following outputs: float Damage, uint8 CurrentDamageStep, AActor* HitActor, UPrimitiveComponent* HitComponent, FName HitBoneName.
Blueprint API Reference
Protected Attributes
uint8 DamageSteps;
float MaxDamage
float Friction
bool CheckStabImpulse
float ImpactForce