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VR Weapon

The fundamental base for every weapon class. Easy game ready setup.

Class name:



Lines of code:


#include "VR/VR_Player/Weapons/VR_Weapon.h"

Interactable Actor


​General Information


VR Weapon is a weapon class which is fundamental and from it can be any weapon type inherited. This actor is using VR Grab Component(See VR Grab Component).

VR Weapon is a weapon class which is fundamental and from it can be any weapon type inherited.
VR Weapon


CImpactParicle - This is a Particle System Component which spawns particles when the bullet hits the surface.

LSmokeParticle - This is a Particle System Component which spawns smoke after each gun shoot.

LMuzzleParticle - This is a Particle System Component which spawns muzzle flash after each gun shoot.

Weapon_Mesh - This is a weapon Skeletal Mesh Component.

Mag_Box - This is a Box Component which checks for the ammo overlap.

Handle_Box - This is a Box Component which checks for hand overlaps for grabbing the handle.


  • Weapon Icon Mesh - This is a Static Mesh variable which is used for displaying in VR Hand Inventory(See VR Hand Inventory)(Do not forget this, otherwise might be issues).

  • Current Caliber - This is integer variable which represents the weapon ammo caliber. Only Ammo of this caliber will fit in(See VR Ammo).

  • Particle Size - This is a float variable which represents the size of Muzzle Flash particles.

  • Fire Sound -This is a sound variable which plays on shoot.

  • Empty Sound -This is a sound variable which plays on empty shoot.

  • Projectile Class - This is a class which will be spawned on shoot(See VR Weapon Projectile).

  • VR Bullet Decal Class - This is a class which will be spawned on impact(See VR Weapon Decal).

  • Damage - This is a float variable which represents the weapon damage.

  • Has Slider - This is a bool variable which represents whether or not weapon has slider.

  • Slide Mag Curve - This is a Curve variable which affects the mag when it slides in(Do not forget this, otherwise might be issues).


  • Muzzle Particle - This particle spawns after each gun shoot by LMuzzleParticle .

  • Smoke Particle - This particle spawns after each gun shoot by LSmokeParticle .

  • Default, Dirt,Rock,Sand etc. - These particles spawn on impact by CImpactParicle.

Impact particles require the following surface types. These surface types can be added in the UnrealProject\Config\DefaultEngine.ini.



Weapon Mesh requires animation blueprint which is inhired from VR Weapon Animation Instance class(Required otherwise project will crash)(SeeVR Weapon Animation Instance ).


VR Weapon has 4 events which can be defined or use vr grab component events.

Do After Fire - This event called after each successful shoot. Output : bool IsTraceHit, FHitResult OutTraceHit.

Do After EmptyS hoot - This event called after each empty shoot.

Do On Release Mag - This event called after each release mag.

Do On Mag In - This event called after each mag in.

Blueprint API Reference

Public Member Functions


Get In Hand Status
  returns bInHand

  bool bInHand

Get Just Droped
  returns bInHand

  bool bJustDroped

Get Weapon Mesh
  returns Weapon_Mesh

  USkeletalMeshComponent* Weapon_Mesh

Get Mag Box
  returns Mag_Box

  UBoxComponent* Mag_Box

Get Mag Attach To Mesh
  returns MagAttachTo_Mesh

  UStaticMeshComponent* MagAttachTo_Mesh

Get Trigger Push Int
  returns fTriggerPushInt

  float fTriggerPushInt

Get Hammer X
  returns fHammer_X

  float fHammer_X

Get Just Shot
  returns bJustShoot

  bool bJustShoot

Get Safer Pressed
  returns bSaferPressed

  bool bSaferPressed

Get Caliber
  returns CurrentCaliber

  uint8 CurrentCaliber

Get Static Weapon Mesh
  returns Weapon_Icon_Mesh

  UStaticMesh* Weapon_Icon_Mesh

Get Current Mag
  returns CurrentMag

   AActor* CurrentMag

Get Grab Animation
  returns GrabAnimation

   UAnimSequence* GrabAnimation

Get Trigger Pressed Animation
  returns TriggerPressedAnimation

   UAnimSequence* TriggerPressedAnimation

Get A Pressed Animation
  returns APressedAnimation

   UAnimSequence* APressedAnimation

Get Second Grab Animation
  returns SecondHandGrabAnimation

   UAnimSequence* SecondHandGrabAnimation

Is This HandSecond Attached

   AVR_Hands* Hand

   return bool 

Public Attributes

class UVR_WeaponAnimationInstance * 	WeaponAnimation

Protected Attributes


class UStaticMesh * 	Weapon_Icon_Mesh

uint8 	CurrentCaliber


bool 	bAmmoApplyed

bool 	bJustShoot

bool 	bShootAnim

bool 	bSaferPressed

bool 	bAmmoLeft

bool 	bAllowAmmoIn

float 	fParticleSize

bool 	bInHand

class USoundBase * 	FireSound

class USoundBase * 	EmptySound

class UStaticMeshComponent * 	MagAttachTo_Mesh

AActor * 	CurrentMag

TSubclassOf< class AVR_WeaponProjectile > 	ProjectileClass

TSubclassOf< class AVR_BulletDecal > 	VR_BulletDecalClass

UParticleSystem * 	MuzzleParticle

UParticleSystem * 	SmokeParticle

float 	Damage

bool 	bHasSlider

UParticleSystem * 	ImpactParticle

UParticleSystemComponent * 	LMuzzleParticle
 	Particle Components to spawn.

UParticleSystemComponent * 	LSmokeParticle

UParticleSystemComponent * 	CImpactParticle

FTransform 	PrevTransform

bool 	bLatsBulletShot

UParticleSystem * 	DefaultParticle
 	Impact particles.

UParticleSystem * 	DirtParticle

UParticleSystem * 	RockParticle

UParticleSystem * 	SandParticle

UParticleSystem * 	WaterParticle

UParticleSystem * 	GlassParticle

UParticleSystem * 	ClothParticle

UParticleSystem * 	MetalParticle

UParticleSystem * 	WoodParticle

UParticleSystem * 	GrassParticle

UParticleSystem * 	CarpetParticle

UParticleSystem * 	ConcreteParticle

UParticleSystem * 	SnowParticle

UParticleSystem * 	TileParticle

UParticleSystem * 	AsphaltParticle

UParticleSystem * 	BrickParticle

UParticleSystem * 	CardboardParticle

UParticleSystem * 	ClayParticle

UParticleSystem * 	PlasticParticle

UParticleSystem * 	ElectronicsParticle

UParticleSystem * 	SheetRockParticle

UParticleSystem * 	PlasterParticle

UParticleSystem * 	LeavesParticle

UParticleSystem * 	BloodParticle

bool 	bJustDroped

float 	fTriggerPushInt

float 	fHammer_X

class AVR_Hands * 	P_MotionControllerMain

class UPhysicsConstraintComponent * 	P_PhysicsConstraintMain

class USkeletalMeshComponent * 	P_HandMeshMain

class AVR_Hands * 	P_MotionControllerSecond

class UPhysicsConstraintComponent * 	P_PhysicsConstraintSecond

class USkeletalMeshComponent * 	P_HandMeshSecond

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