Общая информация
VR Code Lock is a class which has a passcode functional.
Body_Mesh - This is a Static Mesh Component.
Btn_Num1-9,0,Enter,Delete - This is Child Actor Components of VR Button class(See VR Button Class).
TextRender - This is Text Render Component which displays current passcode.
Password - This is an integer variable which is a passcode.
FallInDistance - This is a float variable which is fall in distance of each button.
Return Force - This is a float value which indicates return to initial position forceof each button.
Velocity Strength - This is a float value which indicates velocity strength of each button.
Max Force - This is a float value which indicates maximum return force value of each button.
Slide Direction - This is a vector value which indicates in what direction buttons can be pushed(-1 means inverted direction).
Справочник API Blueprint
Public Member Functions
Is Password Correct
Update Return Force
float Force
float Velocity
float Max_Force
Public Attributes
int Password
float FallInDistance
float ReturnForce
float VelocityStrength
float MaxForce
FVector SlideDirection